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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

Privacy Policy:
Please see our separate detailed Privacy Policy
General Terms and Conditions:

Wild Rock Ltd T/A Far Peak conditions of use

Risks - “The British Mountaineering Council and Wild Rock Ltd recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.”


Although the climbing centre is an artificial environment the risks involved are no less serious than when climbing outside on a crag or mountain. There is an additional risk that bolt-on holds can spin or break. Participation, supervision or observation of climbing activities involve risks which can include but are not limited to:
  • Injuries from falling from height and coming into contact with the floor, climbing surfaces, other users and permanent and temporary structures
  • Rope abrasion, entanglement and other injuries from roped activities such as climbing, belaying, lowering off, use of auto belays and rescue systems
  • Misuse or failure of equipment or any part of the facilities including but not limited to spinning or breaking holds, natural materials degradation (low ropes course and outdoor climbing tower)
  • Failure to follow Far Peaks rules and conditions of use
  • Further risks involved with the facility and participation of activities that include, but are not limited to, the use of training equipment or participation in group classes
The soft flooring under the bouldering walls are designed to provide a more comfortable landing for climbers falling or jumping from the bouldering wall. THE SOFT FLOOR DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE RISK OF INJURIES. Broken and sprained limbs are common on this type of climbing wall despite the soft landing. Uncontrolled falls are likely to result in injuries to yourself or others.
Climbing beyond your capabilities on any wall is likely to result in a fall. Any fall may result in an injury despite the safety systems in place to avoid it. You must make your own assessment of the risks whenever you climb.

Conditions of Use

Our Duty of Care - The rules of the climbing centre set out below are not intended to limit your enjoyment of the facilities. They are part of the duty of care that we as operators, owe to you the customer, by law. As such they are not negotiable and if you are not prepared to abide by them then the staff must politely ask you to leave.
Your Duty of Care - You also have a duty of care to act responsibly towards the other users of the centre. Statements of ‘Good Practice’ are posted around the centre adjacent to the relevant facilities. These describe the accepted methods of use and how customers would normally be expected to behave towards each other.
Unsupervised Climbing - Before you climb without supervision the centre expects you to be competent in the activity you wish to undertake.  If you are NOT competent in the use of a safety harness, a suitable knot to attach a rope to the harness and a belay device to secure a falling climber or lower a climber from the wall using a rope then you should not attempt without the supervision of someone who is competent to do so.  You are required to register to accept that you know how to use the equipment, that you are prepared to abide by the Rules below and that you understand the risks involved in your participation. Wild Rock will check your competency at initial registration.
Unsupervised bouldering only – if you are not able to climb with ropes but are competent to boulder you will be registered to boulder only.  You will be allowed to use the bouldering facilities and low ropes facilities but may not use the roped walls or auto belays as either a climber or belayer.
Supervised climbing – an adult who has registerd for “unsupervised climbing OR bouldering” may supervise up to 2 novices for the activities they have been registered.  Staff may provide help and advice but this does not constitute as instruction or supervision.  Groups of 3 or more novices must only be supervised by an instructor holding relevant qualifications and insurance (at least matching the centres own policy).  Novices must remain with supervisor at all times whilst within the climbing, bouldering and low ropes areas.  When engaged in supervision on roped walls, the supervisor must not leave the ground whilst novices are climbing.
Children – Children are deemed as “Novices” and in addition, all children in the centre (even when not climbing) must be supervised by an adult deemed competent in the activity they are engaging in (with the exception of experienced children who have passed an under 18 sign off assessment).  Wild Rock has a separate child protection policy that is available for viewing when requested. No under 5yrs allowed on the main bouldering wall unless at special designated times when over 3’s may be acceptable, or with a competent climber to directly supervise. 

General Safety

• Report to reception on each visit before you climb.
• You must exercise care, common sense and self-preservation at all times.
• Report any problems with the walls, equipment or other climbers’ behaviour to a member of staff immediately.
• Be aware of the other climbers around you and how your actions will affect them
• Do not distract people while they are climbing or belaying.
• Stand well back from the climbing walls unless you are belaying or spotting a climber. Never stand directly under someone who is climbing or obstruct the landing zone below them.

Bouldering and Traversing

  • Always climb within your capabilities and descend by down climbing until close to the matts is highly recommended
  • Never climb directly above or below another climber,
  • always remove your harness and other roped climbing equipment when bouldering.
  • All training equipment is to be used at your own risk
  • The training weights are not to be use by under 18’s unless supervised by a coach


  • You must be registered as a competent climber before using the auto belays unsupervised
  • You must always use the auto-belay safety line to protect yourself on these climbs
  • Descending from the route must be done in a controlled manner
  • Novice climbers must be supervised by a competent climber
  • Helmets MUST NOT be worn when using the auto belays and loose clothing and climbing hard wear must be managed to minimize the risk of entanglement

Roped Climbing

When Climbing:
  • Ensure you identify if your chosen route is a top rope or a lead route.  Many of the climbs in the centre have top ropes already in place. Do not take them down to use on other routes
  • Always use a climbing harness to attach yourself to a rope
  • Always tie the rope directly into the harness using a suitable climbing knot. Clipping in with a karabiner is not acceptable.
  • The tall walls are designed to be climbed using a rope for protection. Solo climbing is not acceptable on these walls. Always use a rope to protect yourself on these climbs.
When Belaying:
  • Novices must not belay without supervision on the ground by their supervisor backing up the brake rope
  • Always use a belay device attached to your safety harness with a locking karabiner.  ‘Traditional’, or ‘body’ belaying is not acceptable.
  • The attachment points on belay bags are provided to give support to people belaying a climber who is much heavier than they are. Direct belays from these attachment points are not acceptable.
  • Always pay attention to what the climber is doing.
  • Always stand as close to the climbing wall as is practical unless you are using one of the attachment points on the floor. Sitting or lying down is not acceptable.
Lead Climbing:
  • When using the lead walls you must supply your own appropriately rated dynamic rope. Do not use the centre’s top ropes for lead climbing
  • You must identify whether your lead route has Running belay attachments (runners) already provided at intervals on the lead walls so you do not need your own ‘quick draws’. You must clip all the runners on the route you are climbing. At the top, clip into the locking karabiner or both top karabiners.
  • If a route does not have ‘in-situ’ runners, appropriate quick draws may be used by the climber to attach to the bolt hangers.  The climber must be competent in placing runners and have the correct amount required for the route intended.
  • When seconding a lead climb, the climber should be protected from uncontrolled swings by appropriately clipping quick draws.  Ensure the rope is securely fixed to the lower off anchor.

Far Peak Climbing standard rules

• No smoking or alcohol in the climbing areas . No admittance to those deemed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• No food or drink on the climbing floor areas unless in sealed container.
• Rucksacks/gear only within the cafe areas or in the lockers provided.
• No access into the interior wall areas cordoned off areas or private/staff only/
no admittance areas.
• No running in the centre, no throwing of chalk and any marking of any walls or flooring.
• No climbing over the top of any of the climbing walls or above any top anchor points.
• Immediately inform a staff member of any spinning holds you become aware of. Duty Managers periodically check for spinners but they can be dealt with sooner if you tell a staff member.
• Staff are here for your safety and have a duty of care to make comment on bad belaying/unsafe practices. Anyone who does not adhere to up to date safe practices even after comment will have their registration revoked and will be recommended to attend a Refresher course. We reserve the right to refuse entry to customers for reasons of safety or inappropriate behaviour.
• Do not block fire exits or isles.
• If you require assistance, please ask a Wild Rock staff member; please be aware that if that staff member is in charge of a group you may have to wait for assistance until their clients are safely at ground level.
• Only Wild Rock Staff may instruct at Far Peak, any other persons performing
paid instruction will be asked to leave the centre unless specifically cleared with centre management.
• Those persons who have been signed in as novices may climb and belay under the supervision of the registered user who signed them in. Registered users who are cleared to supervise are limited to a maximum of 2 novices. Supervising users must NOT climb whilst supervising. Supervision means not leaving the ground and ensuring your charges safety. Wild Rock recommends that novices do not use the main bouldering wall as injury to inexperienced climbers is likely in this area. Use of the main bouldering wall is permitted with supervision.
• Always be aware of climbers above who may fall at any time, this includes roped areas.
• If on a low level traverse of the roped climbs, feet must remain in the 1st panel or maximum 1 metre above the ground, do not traverse beneath other climbers.
• No soloing of any roped/lead routes under any circumstances.
• Do not lead any climbs where a rope is already in place.
• When top-roping a previously led climb, a second must climb on the side of the rope running through the quickdraws, unclipping as they climb. This will avoid any risk of a pendulum fall; if a second person then wishes to top rope the route they can only do so if those quickdraws have been re-clipped.
• No back-clipping or ‘Z’ clipping.
• Use correct belaying technique as per manufacturers recommended methods according to your chosen belay device. Always be attentive.
• Wild Rock recommend that you descend from the bouldering wall by down climbing as jumping or an uncontrolled fall can result in serious injury.
Children under 14 must wear a helmet for any climbing activities unless directly supervised by a competent climber.  Only those under 16 who have been given consent from a Wild Rock Instructor and signed consent from a parent or guardian may climb without a helmet.
• If a member of Wild Rock Staff approaches you to amend a best practice issue or shows you a skill, this skill applies only to the situation at the time of teaching, it may not apply to other climbing situations either indoor or outdoor and you should seek professional instruction for all your future climbing situations, courses can be requested through Wild Rock.
• No unauthorised photography.
• The Low Ropes course is an extension of the climbing centre and therefore is classed as a climbing activity – the same standard rules apply as bouldering.
• Wild Rock accepts no responsibility of liability for any loss or damage to any persons property in relation to the usage of Wild Rock and the surrounding parking areas.
• Personal property being used at or left at Far Peak is entirely at customers’ own risk.
• Usage of automatic belay stations is subject to the terms and conditions stated at the unit’s location. Usage is for over 8 year old members, junior competent members and persons under Wild Rock instruction.  Age 3+ are permitted to use the auto belay under direct supervision of a competent climber.   All usage is subject to permitted users reading usage instructions prior to each use and signing the confirmation sheet at reception.
• When participating in a competition hosted by Wild Rock, all competitors and spectators will be required to abide by all rules and restrictions specific to that day, in addition to all Terms and Conditions as above.
Booking Confirmations:
Climbing Centre booking Terms and Conditions
Advanced booking:
We allow customers to book a place on our instructor led courses and sessions to guarantee the correct instructor ratios are followed.  Some sessions and courses require payment in advance through our website or over the phone and you will be prompted accordingly to do so.  The terms of booking are:
  1. Payments collected through our website or telephone will be for the specific course or session at the time and date selected by the customer only.
  2. We are happy to refund individual instructor led sessions if more than 72 hours’ notice via email only is provided to the climbing team.
  3. We are happy to refund individual instructor led courses and parties if more than 5 days notice via email only is provided to the climbing team.
  4. We will exchange individual instructor led sessions and courses like for like if more than 24 hours notice is provided for a course within a 30 day period of the booking.  No refunds will be given for cancellation or non-attendance with 24 hours of the booking.
  5. All participants must adhere to the climbing centre rules and conditions of use when redeeming a booking – these can be viewed and downloaded from our website.
  6. Far Peak climbing reserve the right to change or cancel the session at any time.  We will refund participants in full should we be required to do so and will email/call the booking contact to arrange
NB: unfortunately our climbing team cannot refund any monies directly from the till so please do not ask.  Eligible refunds will be conducted by the management if contacted via email to
If you are unhappy with your experience, please email to the above and we will do our best to resolve any issues you may have with your session.
Staff reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who does not have suitable clothing to climb safely.  All participants must wear closed toe footwear or rock shoes and have clothing that climbing PPE can be safely secured over.
Examples of clothing we do not allow:
- crocs, sandles, flip flops, wellies, spangled shoes, no shoes at all!
- long skirts, long coats, thick gloves
Please see booking confirmations above.
Birthday Bookings:
If you or your guests have NOT been before, you will need to complete registration before your session. You can create an account and complete your waiver (or Junior Waiver on behalf of your children) in advance to save time.

If you have visited in the last 12 months, then you are already on our system. Please update your account details if circumstances have changed.

Consent is needed for each participant who has not visited the centre before and you must use the center in accordance of our Terms and Conditions (above)


Please try to fill them out before you arrive or leave enough time to complete on the day and make sure you tell us about any medical conditions that we may need to know about before the session starts. It is essential we are notified of any medical conditions or injuries, which might affect your ability to participate safely in climbing activities on the form. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.


We have an ex-army parachute covering the fire preparation area, but it is NOT waterproof!  Anyway, it would not be a true outdoor experience if it were so come prepared to get wet, muddy, grubby and smelling of wood smoke if you are lighting a fire. We operate outdoors in most conditions although high winds can make the woodlands unsafe to use on occasion, in which case we will let you know as soon as we can if there is a change of plan.
Archery sessions operate under the same guidelines. Use of the Low ropes course is done entirely at the participants own risk. If our instructors are supervising a structured activity using the Low Ropes Course, this takes priority over any other users and you may be asked to wait until the activity has concluded. 
If you have booked to use the Low Ropes supervised by the Far Peak team, we will operate when safe to do so and make every effort to provide an alternative activity if not.

NB: Please make sure you tell us about any medical conditions that we may need to know about before the session starts and make sure you have any medication on hand that may be required if participating.

Catering and Room Hire

If you have selected the catering and room hire options, a member of the Hayloft Cafe team will be in touch shortly to discuss your options. The Hayloft cooks and prepares everything on site, with a range of delicious and healthy options starting at just £6 per person. 
Hire of the function room or Yurt are subject to availability and your requirements will be tailored to the party.

Payments for room hire and catering will be taken separately by the Hayloft Cafe.
If you do not let us know minimum of 48 hours in advance of a change, we cannot refund the cost of the instructor booked for the party.

Unfortunately cancellations made less than 14 days before your booking will not be refunded although we are happy to transfer your booking to another date. We recommend you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the start time

Prices and Payment:
  1. All activities at Far Park require immediate payment in full at the time of booking.
  2. All prices are subject to change without prior consultation or notice given.
  3. Payments are accepted only in GBP.
  4. Website payments are taken via Truevo
Recurring Payments

These are setup for a period of time to match the selected membership, normally paid monthly.
This plan is built and displayed to you in your booking. You will also receive this plan in your booking confirmation email.

These recurring payments can be cancelled online, in your account. This send a request to us and we manage the cancellation.

Membership terms and conditions:
• A membership with Far Peak Climbing T/A (Wild Rock Ltd) is for use of the climbing centre facilities only
• The membership is valid for the person(s) named in the agreement only and cannot be transferred to any other persons or parties
• The membership agreement is valid for the minimum term from the purchase date for the agreed price. Wild Rock Ltd will take a manual payment for the 1st month and then subsequent payments for the following months.
• Once the initial period has been taken, Wild Rock Ltd will continue to take the agreed monthly amount on the same date and continue to honour you membership for the centre until written or email confirmation is received to cancel the membership.
• Cancellation of the membership should be done 30 days before you want the final payment to be taken and Wild Rock Ltd will cease the payments with no additional penalties
• Cancellation within the initial 6 month period will result in the full balance of the initial contract agreement due to Wild Rock Ltd. This will be calculated on a pro rata basis from when written or email confirmation on the cancellation is received.
• In exceptional circumstances, we are happy to pause the membership within the initial 6 month period. A pause can be for a maximum of 3 months. A pause can be agreed in writing or email with the General Manager.

  1. Where applicable, all refunds due will be issued to the corresponding debit/credit card used at the time of booking. If the card has expired a bank transfer will be issued.
The governing law of bookings and payments is the UK. Payments are taken in GBP.
Company Details:
Company Number: 06781459
Wild Rock Ltd
1 The Hayloft
Far Peak
GL54 3AP

01285 700 370
See above.